Saturday, March 26, 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo And Alessandra Ambrosio Cover The Body Issue Of ‘GQ’ Because Both Their Bodies Are Amazing

Look at his abs. Look at her abs. My, what a beautiful pair they make. Shirtless Cristiano Ronaldo and (probably shirtless) Alessandra Ambrosio cover the latest issue of GQ, appropriately titled “The Body Issue”. So if you’ve ever wanted to look like one of the European football league’s most famous stars, or one of the world’s hottest models, you can find out how in the new issue! Or if you just want to stare at a really excellent photoshoot, you can do that, too. Best of all, GQ even shared how much they photoshopped Cristiano’s abs in the cover photo you see above. Spoiler alert: he just looks like that. You can see the little slider thing they’ve created here. And finally, before you launch the gallery and stare at some attractive...

Looks from the Mikael D private runway show at the Fairmont Pacific Rim

In broad terms, Canadian fashion is defined by a certain laidback, contemporary, ready-to-wear aesthetic. Mention ball gowns, and the Great White North likely won’t even register on the scale. But Mikael Derderian is out to change that. Under his eponymous label Mikael D, the French-Canadian designer produces dresses that are equal parts opulent, extravagant, and luxurious—items more typically in tune with Paris or Milan than Montreal. Dorothy’s not in Kansas anymore. “I don’t want people’s minds to focus on a general idea of what Canadian fashion is,” Derderian says, perched on a chair in his room at the Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel, his dark hair expertly spiked. “I think everyone should have an open mind about it, and we should stop thinking that the boundaries of where you’re...

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